Having been out injured since June last year with a double fractured wrist, healing had been a slow process wondering when I would be able to start practicing and playing again. After exercises everyday since I came out of my cast with guidance from my physio and strength and conditioning coach I had almost all of my mobility and strength back with very little pain which meant the first few weeks in March I was able to start training again hoping that I would be able to compete in the last 4 events of the Mena Tour.
My game was getting better each day and even though there was some slight numbness and fatigue in my wrist, I felt progress was being made. I had managed to get out and play a few holes at Cherwell Edge with mates which is the course where I grew up. I also managed to get out and play a friendly match at Woburn with Charley Hull; even though me and Rhys lost against her and James it was a good match and great to get back out fully on the course which was in amazing condition considering the weather we have had this winter.
Normally this time of year the golfing world starts dusting off their clubs ready for the start of the new golfing season, memberships are being renewed and with The Masters just a week away all the talk in the bar this weekend would of been about who might be putting on that famous green jacket next Sunday.
Instead not only businesses across the UK are shut down but golf courses are shut all across the country with only our carpets to putt on and back gardens to practice in, wondering when we will all be able to get back out on the golf course. It’s a scary time for everyone with so much uncertainty as to when this pandemic is going to end when all everyone wants to do is get back to a normal life.
With the start of my season being postponed I have been keeping as busy as I can and my house has never looked so clean. I’m sure all of your DIY jobs that are normally put on hold for a round of golf might be actually getting done now as well, I know mine are. As well as losing track of what day we are on, I have been continuing my strength and mobility work along with practicing my game to try to get as sharp as I can for when we can start playing again. I have been putting in my living room everyday for the past two weeks since lock down working mainly on my technique making sure that I’m striking my putts and starting the ball on the right line. With the craze of toilet rolls I have been using them to chip into as a bit of fun trying to see how many attempts it takes me. I’m currently at 4 but hopefully in my next blog I will have beaten that. I am currently waiting on delivery of my net so then I can start doing some full swing work next week which I am looking forward to.
The main thing that we all can do right now is stay positive and make our practice fun. With golf courses shut I will be posting some videos to help with your game all from inside your own home next week.
Stay safe